Thaumaturgy's HAA Operations Manual

REF 100. Submitting Avid Jobs To Deadline


This stage submits jobs to Deadline for running and begins the actual exports.


  1. Prepare the Sequences in AVID
  2. Run AvidGetExportJobs
  3. Configure Slaves & Start the Jobs

Step by Step Walkthrough

Prepare the Sequences in AVID

  1. Place all sequences you wish to process through PACMAN in the 001.Pacman-ToProcess bin in AVID. This should be found in the Other Bins.
  2. Confirm that all media is online for all sequences in the bin - if any offline media is detected it will fail the submission.

Run AvidGetExportJobs

  1. Open Deadline Monitor launch monitor from the tray icon
  2. Click Submit / Avid_1_GetAvidExportJobs
    This will create a job in Deadline that can only be run on the machine you are currently on.
  3. Check Resolve, Avid & Nuke are all closed - anything that tries to connect to the broadcast monitor can cause issues.
  4. Ensure that slave is turned on from the machine that you submitted the job from and that the job is resumed using the custom job start script. See Configure Slaves & Start the Jobs for help with this

Submit Avid Jobs

  1. When GetAvidExportJobs has completed running, you can select Submit/Avid_2_SubmitAvidJobs. This will take some time,
  2. If any sequence has failed submission, delete all submitted jobs out of Deadline, fix the error in AVID and re-run from the beginning.
  3. Check that the expected number of jobs were created (check the Access Database for a current list of job numbers)
  4. Thaumaturgy has deadlines to meet for providing materials to clients. When the queue is ready, open Scripts / PAC_InformationWindow and look at the time estimate. If the estimated time is too late - prioritise the jobs so client deliveries can be met

Configure Slaves & Start the Jobs

  1. Deadline slaves need to be activated in order for them to run a job. From the monitor window, check the Slaves panel for the list of configured slaves. At Home & Away's offices there are currently two slaves - HAAADMWS01 & HAAGRDWS01 show the deadline slave list with both slaves offline
  2. Start the slaves for any that are offline (show Offline in their status column) that you wish to begin performing tasks.
  3. The last required piece is to tell the jobs themselves run. Deadline Jobs will not run whilst they are suspended. To begin all jobs, select any job and right click it, Scripts / PAC_StartPacmanJobs and select All Jobs custom start suspended deadline jobs
  4. You must watch each machine start the process. This means around 15 minutes of AVID Exports.