Thaumaturgy's HAA Operations Manual

60. Deliver Processed Episodes


This step is relative straight-forward. You must deliver the required hard drives to the client, and notify them.


  1. Run PAC_CheckHAADeliveryDrives
  2. Generate File List Document
  3. Deliver Drives
  4. Email Client & Thaumaturgy Personnel.

Step by Step Walkthrough

Run PAC_CheckHAADeliveryDrives

  1. Open Deadline and select Scripts / PAC_CheckHAADeliveryDrives. This will check the database and then each delivery file that should have been created. This includes .iso files
  2. If there are any fails, check whether they were expected (currently does not support credit files, etc.)
  3. For any files that have failed, manually check the folder and confirm they are missing. Then check PacRenders - if they are missing from both but the jobs are completed, then submit a bug report.

Generate File List Document

  1. Thaumaturgy have been asked to re-deliver many episodes. To try and account for some of that lost time we generate a file document that gets sent around, notifying everyone of what files were delivered on what days.
  2. Open Deadline Monitor and select Scripts / PAC_DriveInformation and then press the "Write File Document" button. This will confirm all attached drives, then write the file for you.
  3. If you are not delivering all drives, remove the drives from the document that you are widthholiding.

Deliver Drives to the Client

  1. Collect the drives that were processed to:
    • Audio (Blue)
    • Music (Silver)
    • Promos (Red)
    • Nicole (Black)
  2. Stick a post-it note on the Black HDD with a list of the episodes and teasers processed
  3. Hand the drive to the client!
    If the Post-Production Supervisor isn't around, leave them on her desk.

Email Client & Thaumaturgy Personnel

  1. If arrangements haven't already been made, ensure that you contact your Supervisor for delivery of the ThaumaTfr## drive to Kariong for off-site backup.
  2. Email all relevant parties with an ipdate on all received and delivered episodes, noting missing elements such as teasers and any extra actions taken.
    Also attach the file generated above.
    This email should go to your Thaumaturgy Supervisor, Post Production Supervisor of HAA, any personnel that may come on-site to Redfern and any other party you deem relevant.